METS HQ is a comprehensive online destination that promotes the capability of the resources supply chain in the Mackay, Isaac, and Whitsunday region (located in Queensland, Australia). METS HQ showcases the region's capability and is available in real time anywhere in the world. It is part of RIN's strategy to increase the digital footprint of its members and the entire METS community in Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday, as well as promote the region's immense capability.
This region is home to a world-class METS sector that’s leading the way with production-efficient and cost-reduction solutions across a range of industries including mining, agriculture, biofuels, manufacturing, defence, renewables and more.
The businesses in this supply chain, renowned as an engineering, industrial and technology hub, are innovative and responsive to the needs of industry’s big problems not only domestically, but around the world.
This platform allows users to search for businesses in the MIW region with specific capabilities and equipment and quickly establish a list of potential suppliers.
METS HQ features include:
- An interactive map and real-time searching, allowing users to browse and filter company profiles
- Allows companies to manage their own company profile, and submit changes for public release onto the interactive map
- Facilitates contact between users and companies (phone number, email address, address, etc)
- Supports photos, videos, and rich text for company profiles
- Supports multiple languages, and allows companies to offer their profile in languages other than English
Please add your business by registering at www.metshq.com.au/register or contact the RIN office for more information p:07 4952 4184 e:admin@rin.org.au

This project is supported by: The Mackay Regional Council